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Monthly ArchiveJuly 2014

Pertandingan (Competition) olahraga.ppc@smjk.edu.my on 02 Jul 2014

Jemputan 4x100m SMK Padang Polo & TPH

we did our best and got first place! we would continue and work hard to become better atheletes in the future.

doing our warm ups

doing our warm ups

IMG-20140621-WA0007 IMG-20140621-WA0008 IMG-20140621-WA0009

group photo with the other participants

group photo with the other participants

first place yayyyy

first place yayyyy


Pertandingan (Competition) olahraga.ppc@smjk.edu.my on 02 Jul 2014

Jemputan 4x100m SMK Convent Pulau Tikus

warming up before the match

warming up before the match

IMG-20140623-WA0011 IMG-20140623-WA0012



Pertandingan (Competition) olahraga.ppc@smjk.edu.my on 02 Jul 2014

Jemputan 4x1oom SMK (P) St Georges

IMG-20140620-WA0003 IMG-20140620-WA0004 IMG-20140620-WA0005

as the first runner sprints off

as the first runner sprints off



Pertandingan (Competition) olahraga.ppc@smjk.edu.my on 02 Jul 2014

Jemputan 4×100 SMK (P) Methodist

jemputan right after our school’s sports day. It was exhausting but a great experience.

IMG-20140630-WA0001 IMG-20140630-WA0002 IMG-20140630-WA0003

Pertandingan (Competition) olahraga.ppc@smjk.edu.my on 02 Jul 2014

Jemputan 4x100m SMJK Chung Ling

IMG-20140623-WA0001 IMG-20140623-WA0002 IMG-20140623-WA0003 IMG-20140623-WA0006 IMG-20140623-WA0009

Aktiviti olahraga.ppc@smjk.edu.my on 02 Jul 2014

melakar trek untuk hari sukan

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alatan-alatan yang diperlukan

alatan-alatan yang diperlukan

20140613_175843 20140613_175919 20140613_175952 20140613_180033 20140613_180043